Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 9: It Isn't 3 Hours This Time!

So it's the last Bacon Ice Cream Sundae of the year....and we didn't even mention it in the cast because it really didn't matter.

Thankfully it was a slow news week, and yet we still pulled out a 2 hour show. Go figure. Apparently Rich and I like to have conversations to no end.

And I didn't even give you guys anything to cry to your mothers go cry to them about that.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 8: We tried!

We did it again!

Here's to wishing that you all were looking forward to another blockbuster 3 hour cast! We did try to keep it short, we promise!

Topics included the usual suspects, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, TV and Movie News, TNA Wrestling, and much more!

We begin with a little Rage, and end with a lot of rant.


Now go cry to your mothers about something Diabolik said that I don't feel like repeating here.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 7: More Epic Than Epic

Trust me, we have no idea how we get talking for more than 3 hours, but we did ... again. All I have to say is that it should be entertaining.

Now you should go cry to your mother about how often we mention balls and dipping them in chocolate .... and not in the friendly way....unless that's what you're into.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 6: ...and your little dog, too! 12/06/09

Well, this is almost the episode that didn't happen.

As you all might have heard, our recording software decided it would be an awesome idea to crash right at the end of our 'cast. This, when we found the temp files left the show's recording in about 1300+ files. Diabolik then spent loads of time putting this back together, and then Rich finished it all up and got it here for you to enjoy!

The entire process took over two working days to complete.

Yes, this is how dedicated to this program and you, our listeners!

You're welcome!

Enjoy, and feel free to comment on the site, facebook, or email us!

Oh, and welcome to our official Podcast Puppy, Pippin!

This time, we're the ones crying to our mothers for how long this took to finish.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 5: Tons to Listen To . . . .11/29/09

Rich and Diabolik are back in the studio discussing a variety of things from anger at Sony to praising Wal-Mart for Black Friday.

It's another long episode just for the warning.

Oh yeah, Diabolik cries on the cast. It might be worth listening to just for that.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 4: Mind the Squeaks! 11/22/09

Rich and Diabolik are back in the Bacon Ice Cream Studio for another episode filled with news, rants, and randomness!

Too bad we didn't realize our mics are sensitive enough to pick up everybody walking around upstairs! Silly squeaky hardwood floors!

This week's topics include; 3D in many aspects, After Victory Road and TNA Epsiode 200 round-up, and even New Moon! Yeah, well, you'll hear why.

Apparently, you should NOT go cry to your mothers this week, but there's always next week...besides, Diabolik wouldn't want to today because it's his mom's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Diabolik's mom!


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 3: Too Much to List! 11/15/09

Rich and Diabolik sit and talk about, well, far too much to list here!

Be prepared for a three hour mega-cast that's jam packed with talk about things like Gamestop, Time Magazine being stupid, TNA's Victory Road 09, and like I said, much too much more to list!

Now go cry to your mothers...about how long this show is, or why you were listening to this for this long and not doing your homework.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 2 : Modern Warfare, RISK, and more! 11/08/09

Rich and Diabolik sit and talk about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 a lot, Diabolik also explodes while talking about a movie adaptation of the RISK board game. We also talk a bit about wrestling and other news stories you might care about. So join in, and listen to what is surely to be a great hour of audio!

By the way, when we warn you to turn down the audio about three quarters of the way through, DO IT. Don't say we didn't warn you, twice now.

Now go cry to your mothers...about RISK, the movie.


Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 1 : The Intro 11/01/09

Welcome to Bacon Ice Cream Productions new podcast...

Bacon Ice Cream Sundae!

Rich and Diabolik sit and talk about what is to come on this new project, and some wild, funny, and crazy stuff ensues. So join in, and listen to what is surely to become a great program!

Yeah, we know it wasn't really the published on the first. We just thought it would be nice to remind ourselves on what the goal was.

Now go cry to your mothers.