Bacon Ice Cream Sundae - Episode 6: ...and your little dog, too! 12/06/09
Well, this is almost the episode that didn't happen.
As you all might have heard, our recording software decided it would be an awesome idea to crash right at the end of our 'cast. This, when we found the temp files left the show's recording in about 1300+ files. Diabolik then spent loads of time putting this back together, and then Rich finished it all up and got it here for you to enjoy!
The entire process took over two working days to complete.
Yes, this is how dedicated to this program and you, our listeners!
You're welcome!
Enjoy, and feel free to comment on the site, facebook, or email us!
Oh, and welcome to our official Podcast Puppy, Pippin!
This time, we're the ones crying to our mothers for how long this took to finish.
As you all might have heard, our recording software decided it would be an awesome idea to crash right at the end of our 'cast. This, when we found the temp files left the show's recording in about 1300+ files. Diabolik then spent loads of time putting this back together, and then Rich finished it all up and got it here for you to enjoy!
The entire process took over two working days to complete.
Yes, this is how dedicated to this program and you, our listeners!
You're welcome!
Enjoy, and feel free to comment on the site, facebook, or email us!
Oh, and welcome to our official Podcast Puppy, Pippin!
This time, we're the ones crying to our mothers for how long this took to finish.